astounding: Sources of energy full revision.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Sources of energy full revision.

Sources of energy

Law of conservation of mass- Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed, but can be transformed from one form to another.

 Non-renewable sources- Energy sources which are use traditionally from many years and are about deplete over a period of time are called conventional or non-renewable sources. Eg.-coal, petroleum, and natural gas etc.                                                                                        
Renewable sources- Energy sources which do not deplete and are scarcely used by the population are called the non-conventional or renewable sources of energy ,Eg.- solar energy,wind energy etc. 

  • A good source of energy will have high calorific value, is easy to store and transport, and it is economical and eco-friendly.
Biomass- it is agricultural and and animal wastes that can be used as a fuel. for example- firewood, cattle dung, sewage, dry leaves, etc.

Charcoal- it is better fuel than wood because it does not contain water and other volatile material which are present in wood. Charcoal burns without smoke, flames and has high calorific value.   

Bio-gas- it is produced by anaerobic decomposition of the slurry(cow dung+water mixture) by microbes.
  • Bio-gas-  it is contain an excellent fuel and contains 75% methane. it burns without smoke, leaves no residues like ash, with high heat capacity.

Wind energy- it is eco-friendly , renewable source of energy. wind mills can be established only at those places where wind speed is above 15 km/h.

Solar energy- the energy emitted by the sun in the form of heat and light is called solar energy. it is renewable source of energy.
  • A large no. of devices like solar cooker, solar furnaces, solar cells and solar water heaters and utilizes solar energy directly.                                            
  • Solar heating devices use black painted surface because black surface absorbs more heat as compared to other surfaces.

Solar cooker- it is converts solar energy into heat energy.

Solar cell- A solar cell is a device that converts solar energy into electricity. A large no. of solar cells are combined in an arrangement called solar cell panel.  
Gallium and silicon are used to make solar cells. silver is used for inter connection of cells.

Tidal energy- it is the energy possessed by water during tides. tidal energy is converted into electricity at the dam.

Ocean thermal energy- The power plants used to harness the ocean thermal energy is known as "Ocean thermal energy conversion plant"(OTEC).

Geothermal energy- Energy stored as heat inside the earth is geothermal energy.

Nuclear energy- it is the energy which is stored in the nucleus of an atom. it is of two types: Nuclear fission and Nuclear fusion.

                Important equations-
  • The flow of energy to run a turbine in power station is: Fossil fuels>heat energy>mechanical energy>electrical energy. 
                 Important diagrams-




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